Overview of Topics

On this website, we will work together from vision, through to building a plan, taking action and then through to managing resources and supports. There is a whole process of how VISION to PLAN works. 



Workshop 1- Build Your Vision
This workshop sets the foundations for the capacity building journey ahead in which participants are encouraged to build a vision for their own unique best life. We explore concepts such as Citizenhood, choice and control, talk about disability rights, and develop an understanding of the potential of the new support mechanisms available to dream and build your own vision.


Goals & Actions

Workshop 2 – Make Your Plan
We continue our journey and now learn how to turn your vision into actions and a plan for living your best life. We explore the role of goals and develop a clear understanding of their role in securing the resources you require to live your best life. We also discuss self advocacy and its importance in building your capacity to engage with complex systems such as the NDIS.



Workshop 3 – Manage Your Supports
In this workshop we explore how to utilise available supports to build your best life; how you can ensure you get what you need when you need it. We gain an understanding of self-direction, learn its strategies and mechanisms, and understand how to maximise this under the NDIS system.



Workshop 4 – Safeguard Your Success
In this workshop we discuss important concepts such as safety and safeguards, the dignity of risk and various strategies for managing areas of concern. We will also discuss Peer Support development including its benefits and challenges, outcomes possible, peer best practice and use this to plan the Who, What, When, Where & How of a local Peer Support Network (new or existing).


Feeling at Home

Workshop 5 – Feeling at Home
A significant part of our lives is embedded in the place we call home, and we want to enable participants to explore the various options for home available and consider what may best suit them. Various strategies for bringing their vision of home to life will also be explored.


 Connecting with Your Community

Workshop 6 – Connect with Your Community
In the final workshop we explore your ideas and preferences for community connection, and how this may (and may not) form part of your vision for living your best life. Strategies and barriers for connections are explored and you are supported to consider various mechanisms and avenues within your important communities. We also further discuss developing Peer Support Networks moving on after the workshops.