Self-Directed Supports
Key Learnings
- Self-directed support allows people with a disability to choose their disability supports and services
- Self-directed support and the NDIS aim to maximise choice and control
The NDIS was established to ensure people with disability are at the center of their own lives, supports and plans.
Self-directed support allows people with a disability and their family to have choice and control over their disability supports and services.
Self-directed support, alongside the NDIS and Australia’s Disability Strategy policies, is intended to support, promote and protect human rights and the independence of people with disability. It aims to ensure that support is delivered in a way that ensures choice and control over one’s own life and respects the person’s right to fully participate in society. In the image below there are four ways the NDIS aims to achieve this.
In the past, where people living with disability were bundled into day programs or life skills programs, there were limited opportunities for people to have their own needs met or focus on their own personal goals. Thankfully this is all changing and self-directed supports are key to this!
Thanks for getting this far!
We hope that working through the Build Your Vision workshop has given you lots of ideas you want to explore further. In this workshop you learnt:
- you have a right to dream
- how to create a vision for your best life
- how to set goals and put them in to action
Following on from these workshops, we will be holding online events and starting up peer support networks. Please let us know below the topics that interest you or you want more information on.
You can find out more on and by joining the SKILL Facebook group.
Topic reflections